Do you offer piercing and/or jewelry?
No, we only offer tattooing.
Are you cash only?
Some artists are cash only, please check with your personal artist beforehand.
Is there parking available?
There is street parking available in front of the shop as well as in the neighborhood behind us.
Do you take walk-ins?
We operate by appointment only.
Do you host guest artists?
Yes! We love having guest artists, please contact the shop via email, if you're interested in visiting - info@rosewatertattoo.com
Is there anything I should do before my appointment?
Here are some tips to keep in mind when preparing for your appointment:
You will need to have a valid state ID and be 18 or over to have any tattoo work done.
Be sure to get a good night sleep prior. Fatigue will negatively effect your pain tolerance and stamina. Heavy alcohol consumption the night before a tattoo appointment is also discouraged.
It's for this same reason that it is also recommended you make a point to eat a balanced meal beforehand. If you know you will be sitting for several hours, it's not a bad idea to bring something to eat during a break. All beverages must have a lid. Water is available to clients on request.
Dress appropriately for your tattoo. Wear comfortable clothing and be sure that the artist can reach the tattoo location without hassle. Your clothing should not tighten around or rub against the location of your fresh tattoo.
Please keep in mind that any reschedules or cancellations must take place at least 72 hours before your appointment time or risk losing their initial deposit by the judgement of the tattoo artist.
Tattoo Aftercare
Please do not seek advice from friends, family, or other outside sources without consulting your personal tattooist. We cannot be held responsible for the poor advice of outside sources.
Wash and/or sanitize your hands before making any contact with a new tattoo, in order to minimize risk of irritation or infection.
Leave your bandage on over night, if possible. If your bandage slips, falls off, or is compromised in any way remove it completely and gently wash the area. Do not re-bandage.
Gently wash your tattoo with a gentle anti-bacterial liquid or foam soap using only your hands. Do not use any soap with alcohol or fragrance. Wash only as needed, no more than a few times per day.
Gently pat your tattoo dry with a clean cloth or paper towel. Do not rub, or use a fabric with a rough surface.
If your skin becomes dry/tight/itchy, feel free to apply a thin layer of lotion (we recommend Lubriderm, Curel, or Aquaphor) but you may use most any lotion that does not have alcohol or a fragrance. Tattoo ointments are also good. Continue to lotion as needed, no more than 2-3 times a day, for the next two weeks.
Wear clean, non abrasive, clothing over your tattoo for the first 2 weeks– nothing that will pinch or rub on your new tattoo.
On the 3rd or 4th day of healing your tattoo will begin to peel. This is normal, do not pick at the skin, and let it flake off naturally. The pigment is still attached to the areas that have not flaked off, so by picking at the scabs or flakes you are potentially ripping pigment out of your skin, and compromising the quality of your tattoo.
Your skin must be exposed to air to heal, so after removing the initial covering, do not drown it in lotion, or keep it wrapped up, or submerged in water for extended periods of time.
You may shower, but you may not soak your tattoo for at least 2 weeks following the procedure. No swimming or hot tubs.
Do not expose your tattoo to direct sunlight for two weeks. No tanning or use of tanning lotions.
Do not wear abrasive materials, jewelry, or shoes that may rub against your tattoo.
Do not let any people or pets physically touch your healing tattoo.
Beware of gym equipment, wash it well before using it. Be sure to gently wash your tattoo afterwards.
If you do not take proper care of your tattoo there is risk for infection. If you believe that your tattoo is infected, seek professional medical attention immediately for necessary antibiotics. An infection can be identified by high pain, swelling, oozing, and a surrounding redness.
This aftercare may differ from what you have heard elsewhere and that is simply because there is no true universal aftercare formula. There are too many factors (artist, skin type, activity level, general health, design, etc). Everyone is different and will heal differently, so pay attention to what your body asks of you. The best way to ensure a healthy tattoo is to live a healthy lifestyle. Avoid smoking, eating poorly, picking at your skin, stay hydrated, if you take vitamins continue to do so, practice general hygiene, use common sense, and do not be afraid to contact us with any questions.